Definitely a day of rest! Woke up at 11. It really does feel like a new season, a new time, new hope, new possibility. Finished projects! Didn't get the Celtic cross done by Easter, oh well, hope to have it ready to hang in my new office, whenever the job actually begins. Dragged out the quiviuk sweater (going for many years and stuck because the directions for front color work were wrong). Have concluded that I needed to rip out a lot of the front and redesign what was left to make it work, but first would cheer myself and get the fit right by sewing the rest of the sweater together. That's happy work, even though I hate finishing. Getting that project done will be immense, I think.
Also opened the box for a portable machine quilting frame I bought a number of years ago, just before lot of life changes. Now I'd like to set it up so I can finish the collection of quilt tops waiting for assembly and quitling. Unfortunately, I peeled open the end of the box when I received it, and pulled out the instructions, which of course I cannot find and don't remember seeing, ever..... Luckily, the pieces I have have one branded label on them, so if -- after a final search -- I don't find the missing instructions, I can contact Super Quilter and see if they can help me! But things are really moving along...
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