Monday, February 07, 2011

Catch up

Today is Monday, February 7. Love the new car: Sue B. Ruby.
Knitwise, I finished Joy's prayer shawl, just need to trim the fringes and bring it over to SPC. With the remaining yarn I cast on and almost finished a kitty Snuggle (Snuggles project) for the Animal Rescue League. I began and finished a Wurm hat out of a lovely alpaca/angora mix that either came from Westminster, Alice, or the Sisters. Still have a ball of it, which would make wonderfully cuddly gloves. Great pattern, could be just about any size and fit and look really good, just different. Got buttons for Seedling, lost them, found them. Still have to put them on.
Using up stash, am about to start a prayer shawl in Homespun, will do Feather and Fan for excitement.